Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Smarter Balanced Assessment Preview

As many of you are already aware, the assessment system in California has changed and we are coming up on the new form of assessment. In the past decade or so, we have used the CST to assess students’ growth and learning in school. The new assessment is very different and I would like you to take a look at it.

I think both students and parents need to see what this new assessment looks like. I am making changes in my classroom instruction as well as in how I assess students in order to prepare for this new assessment. Please plan a time when you can look through the practice test to see the different kinds of questions that exist. It is much different than the previous assessment where students would read a passage and answer multiple choice questions.

Here is the direct link: https://sbacpt.tds.airast.org/student/

You do not need to enter a user name or any kind of password. Just click "Sign in." Next, choose a grade, 10 is the test that I have been working from and click "Yes." Then choose the English Language Arts Assessment (although I also recommend taking some time to review the math as well. The next page is titled "Choose Settings." Do not change any items, just click "Select." Finally, click "Yes, this is My Test," on the following screen. You will now see some Test Instructions and a "Begin Test Now" button.

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