Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Words:
Academic: Discuss: Present detailed information or examine a subject.
Literary: Thesis: A sentence that states the main idea or argument of an essay.
Roots: Dict: say
List 5 words with the root “Dict“

Parts of an introductory paragraph:
I.                    Attention getter
a.       Interesting quote
b.      Startling fact or statistic
c.       Question that will make readers think
d.      Personal experience
II.                  Background information (2 sentences)
a.       Give the reader a little bit of information on what you are talking about.
III.                Thesis statement
a.       The main idea of the essay
IV.                Forecast
a.       List the 3 supporting details you will discuss in your essay.

Pick one of the following questions and write a 5-sentence introductory paragraph that includes an attention getter, background information, a thesis statement, and a forecast.

Would you ever want to live in a big city? Why or Why not?
What is your favorite hobby and why?
Which sport is your favorite and why?

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